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Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing involves utilizing social media platforms to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, drive website traffic, and increase sales or leads. At Triple Web Tech, we offer comprehensive social media marketing services to help our clients achieve their business objectives. Our strategies include developing tailored content calendars, creating engaging posts and visuals, managing ad campaigns, and analyzing performance metrics to optimize results. By leveraging the power of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others, we aim to enhance our clients’ online presence, foster meaningful connections with their target audience, and ultimately drive measurable results that contribute to business growth and success.

Why should you get Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Momentum

Utilize social media marketing to create strong connections with your audience, boost engagement, and propel your brand’s growth online.

Noticeable Social Strategies

Stand out in a crowded digital landscape with strategic social media marketing campaigns designed to captivate your audience, build brand authority, and drive conversions that propel your business forward.

Connect, Convert, Succeed

Unlock the potential of social media marketing to connect with your target audience, convert followers into loyal customers, and achieve sustainable success in today’s dynamic digital marketplace.



Strategy – Create media strategy to hit the goals you identify

Content Frequency – Strategic, engaging contents and captions to tell stories

Accounts managed – Instagram, TikTok, Yelp, Facebook…etc.. – your choice

Content – Pictures and videos contents for social media

Graphic design – Create posts graphics that are align with brand identity

Community engagement and growth – Engagement with other local restaurants and influencers for collaborations and to grow followers

Photoshoots – Create natural, realistic looking photos to engage with audience

30 minutes growth strategy discussion per month

2 posts per week + stories

1 social media account

List item 3

– 1 hour of on site shoot for video contents every 2 months

2 posts per week + stories

1 activity per month (giveaway collaboration, influencer outreach)

reputation management- respond to comments and feedbacks from customers

account engagement- follower growth

List item 8

Each package has a minimum commitment of 6 months to see results


Strategy – Create media strategy to hit the goals you identify

Content Frequency – Strategic, engaging contents and captions to tell stories

Accounts managed – Instagram, TikTok, Yelp, Facebook…etc.. – your choice

Content – Pictures and videos contents for social media

Graphic design – Create posts graphics that are align with brand identity

Community engagement and growth – Engagement with other local restaurants and influencers for collaborations and to grow followers

Photoshoots – Create natural, realistic looking photos to engage with audience

Up to 1-hour growth strategy discussion per month

3 posts per week + stories

1 social media accounts

List item 3

– up to 40 minutes of on site shoot for video contents per month

3 posts per week + stories

1 activity per month (giveaway collaboration, influencer outreach)

reputation management- respond to comments and feedbacks from customers

account engagement- follower growth

1 free photo shoot sessions every 12 months

Each package has a minimum commitment of 6 months to see results


Strategy – Create media strategy to hit the goals you identify

Content Frequency – Strategic, engaging contents and captions to tell stories

Accounts managed – Instagram, TikTok, Yelp, Facebook…etc.. – your choice

Content – Pictures and videos contents for social media

Graphic design – Create posts graphics that are align with brand identity

Community engagement and growth – Engagement with other local restaurants and influencers for collaborations and to grow followers

Photoshoots – Create natural, realistic looking photos to engage with audience

Up to 1-hour growth strategy discussion per month

3 posts per week on each account + stories

2 social media accounts

List item 3

– up to 60 minutes of on site shoot for video contents per month

3 posts per week on each account + stories

2 activity per month (giveaway collaboration, influencer outreach)

reputation management- respond to comments and feedbacks from customers

account engagement- follower growth

1 free photo shoot sessions every 12 months

Each package has a minimum commitment of 6 months to see results